01865 392181

Epos Impact SC 60 USB MI Wired Binaural Headset with Easy Disconnect Black/Silver 1000551



The Epos Impact SC 60 is an ultra-lightweight headset with comfortable ear pads and a simple quick-release mechanism for increased flexibility. Easy call handling via in-line call control makes this solution easy and convenient for your entire workforce. Featuring EPOS Voice Technology and EPOS ActiveGard Technology. Enjoy more natural-sounding conversations and great quality audio with headsets designed for enterprises introducing Unified Communications.

Your Price: £41.21 exc VAT

  • Ensure quality sounding calls
  • Deployment friendly headset
  • Easy call management
  • Enjoy great comfort
  • Protects your hearing
Brand EPOS
Cable Length 1m
Colour Black/Orange
Connection USB
Form On Ear Headset
Function PC and Mobile Headset
Manufacturer Sennheiser Electronic GmbH
Microphone Yes
Noise Cancelling Yes
Stereo Binaural
Style Double SIded
Type Headsets & Microphones
Warranty 2 Year Warranty
Weight 66g
Wired/Wireless Wired

Your Price: £41.21 exc VAT